Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Possible Risks Involved In Online Dating.

Dating in whatever form presents both the excitement and emotional feelings of human nature.When I started online dating, it was more of emotional feeling rather than the excitement which later cropped in.

Before getting involved in the online dating.I had a specific purpose among which was the very long absence of my spouse from the Country and my intention not to engage in any emotional or physical involvement with another woman with its possible attendant consequences while my wife was away.There was no doubt to the fact that I knew that I was abou to enter another phase in my life.

I knew that I must exhibit a very high degree of responsibity and by every possible means I must be very cautious and careful. Conscious of the type of activity I was getting involved in. Since I was going to get involved with unknown individuals, I had to be very conscious of the
various possible risks involved. I would need to appreciate the facts that there were real risks involved.

We could all assume that Online Dating may be safe since the persons involved may be living at a distance from each other even in different Countries, the possibity of their eventualiy meeting each other physically may not be ruled out. It is the possibity of such a meeting that portends the danger the risks may pose.

What risks did I envisage and how did I prepare for them?.I was expecting that my date might have had nasty expriences like sextual abuses,unwanted pregnancies, sexualy transmitted diseases(STD) or even AIDS,HIV etc, There was possibity that she might have been feeding me with wrong details about herself. Women are very vulnerable.They are physically weak and may be easily taken advantage of. The objective of Online Dating is NOBLE but there had been cases
wwhere the Noble idea has been abused particularly by men.

What do we say of an adult woman who engages on Online Dating probably out of emotional
frustrations and heartbreak only to end up with the wrong man still believing that he is Mr Right.She may eventualy end up being sexualy abused or scammed and possible financial loss to crown it up.

There are two major aspects to Online Dating.They are both financial and emotional. Scam forms the basis of one of the risks involved on Online Dating while the main point of emotional disturbance may arise from a failed marriage promise. We are right to assume that Dating along with courtship and companionship are very ideal for human nature, however one should be very
cautious and careful.Some aspects may be platform for hidden agenda.

I finaly met my Online date at our Local Airport, She came in the morning for a day visit. I drove her around the city showing her important places eventualy ending up with A FULL GOSPEL MEETING where we had lunch with the other members of the chapter.After the meeting, we had a formal discussion with a promise that I would visit her before the year runs out. I later drove her to the Airport for her journey back home. It was a departure laden with
emotional feelings.

moses zaccheaus - a writer, philatelic and numismatic teacher.
www.moseszee.com - http://moseszee.blogspot.com

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