Your own fears about such a person repeating the same problem which may create even less trust,that may spiral into a vicious cycle. Holding a grudge and reminding your partner about the behavior regularly is a sign that you're not willing to forgive and move on. Your partner may then begin to feel as though you are finding it all too hard or unwilling to work on more positive ways to get through the bad situation .
Communication and understanding are vital when you're trying to mend a breach in trust. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt.
If he or she is truly sorry for the behavior and seems honestly regretful about it, then there's a chance that it was a mistake and won't be repeated.
However, there are some occasions where it may be possible to consider if you want to remain in the relationship at all. Only you can know if you're willing to forgive a breach of trust or not.
moses zaccheaus - a writer, author, publisher, philatelic and numismatic teacher. - This article may be reprinted FREE OF CHARGE on the condition that the contents of the article and the details in the Resource Box remain INTACT.