Let us take a cue from Nature. After our long stay on this earth no matter how
long the stay is, we pass on to 'eternal' rest. Whether we like it or not the 'eternal'
rest will come.
After work, we need rest. No better way to get rest than through sleep. The whole human body works together. Each part of human body has its own role to play. For example the stomach has a period of rest between meals. So are the other parts of the human body too. They must be allowed to rest
too. If we neglect this principle, they become worn out and eventually give us trouble.
When we become tired out and not feeling well, we find it extremely difficult to sleep.What do we do then to ameloriate the sleep deficiency?. There areca few things we may do to induce sleep. We may have a warm bath before
going to bed at night. This may be followed with a gentle massage especially
along the spine thus relaxing both the nerves and muscles. Having a hot
foot bath will draw blood from the brain with sleep inducing effect. Taking
a glass of hot milk or cocoa before retiring to bed may also have a beneficial
If your sleepiness is due to indigestion, a simple diet may be of a great relief. A sleep on a hard pillow less bed may achieve the desired effect. Always sleep in a room full of fresh air and forget about the cares of the day. Instead, you may listen to sweet sentimental music.
You may also try to perform this excise - close the left nostril by pressing on it with the finger, then take four deep breaths through the right nostril. Then close the right nostril and take four deep breaths through the left one. Repeat this about four times. Then breathe slowly through both nostrils, but count your breaths. You will seldom count very many.
Do not indulge in taking any sleeping powders or tablets except upon the advice of a physician, for they usually contain drugs that may damage the heart.
moses zaccheaus - a writer, author, publisher, philatelic, numismatic teacher and internet marketer..
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